What is Genetic Engineering?
Engineering is the technological manipulation of the objects of the natural
world in a way that is perceived to be beneficial to people. Traditionally we
used the word in the context of inanimate nature: bridges, railways and machines
etc. But the term can be used and is used in the context of biology, namely for
bioengineering, i.e. modifying or manipulating living organisms. Another term
used in place of the term 'genetic engineering' (GE) is 'biotechnology' (BT).
Some people think that 'biotechnology' sounds less emotive, less fearful. How is
genetic engineering defined then? As with the term 'gene', it depends upon who
is using it and in what context.
Genetic engineering refers to a set of technologies that are being used to
change the genetic makeup of cells and move genes across species boundaries to
produce novel organisms. The techniques involve highly sophisticated
manipulations of genetic material and other biologically important chemicals.
Genes are the chemical blueprints that determine an organism's traits. Moving
genes from one organism to another transfers those traits. Through genetic
engineering, organisms are given new combinations of genes -- and therefore new
combinations of traits -- which do not occur in nature and, indeed, cannot be
developed by natural means. Such an artificial technology is radically different
from traditional plant and animal breeding. Researchers have discovered ways to
change the inherited shape, form and function of living things by altering their
Genetic material. This process is known as GENETIC ENGINEERING (GE).
living cells-plant, animal and human- contain the genetic material DNA
(deoxyribo nucleic acid), which determines the attributes of the offspring of
all living things. The molecular gene is a definite sequence of bases in the DNA
chain which together code for the production of a particular protein. By
directly manipulating the DNA, scientists can change inherited characteristics
in predetermined ways. Here the term 'genetic engineering' (GE) shall mean
'transgenesis' or 'recombinant DNA technology', -- i.e. the technology of
copying pieces of genetic code from one organism of the same or different
species to another by means of the techniques of the molecular biology
laboratory. It results in a 'genetically modified organism' (GMO). Genetic
engineering is sometimes described as 'modern biotechnology', 'gene technology',
'genetic modification' (GM), 'genetic manipulation' or 'genetic mutilation'.
Gene replacement is essentially transplantation surgery although at the
molecular level. Cloning is a branch of Genetic Engineering.
Novel organisms
Nature can produce organisms with new gene combinations through sexual
reproduction. For example cows must breed with other cows (or very near
relatives). A breeder who wants a purple cow would be able to breed toward one
only if the necessary purple genes were available somewhere in a cow or a near
relative to cows. A genetic engineer has no such restriction. If purple genes
are available anywhere in nature -- in a sea urchin or an iris -- those genes
could be used in attempts to produce purple cows. This unprecedented ability to
shuffle genes means that genetic engineers can concoct gene combinations that
would never be found in nature.
Genetic Engineering has particularly captivated protracted discussions amongst
Ulema (Islamic scholars) because of a phrase in the Quran about "changing God's
creation." According to the Quran, after Shaitan tempted Adam (AS) and Hawwa
(AS) ( Eve) to sin by eating from the forbidden tree, he was appalled to see
them repenting and being forgiven and honored by their mission to planet Earth
as Allah (SWT)'s Khalifa (vicegerent). Shaitan asked Allah (SWT) to grant him
another occasion to prove that humans are not that trustworthy after all. If
allowed to test them on earth, Shaitan disclosed some of his plots to astound
them saying: "Verily of Thy servants I shall most certainly take my due share,
and shall lead them astray and fill them with vain desires. And I shall ORDER
them so that they cut off the ears of cattle (in idolatrous sacrifice), and I
shall order them to deface the (fair) nature created by GOD." (4:119).
A. Yusuf Ali in his commentary no. 631 says " To deface the (fair) nature
created by God: there is both a physical and a spiritual meaning. We see many
kinds of defacements practiced on men and animals. Against their true nature as
created by God, partly on account of superstition, partly on account of
selfishness. Spiritually the case is even worse. How many natures are dwarfed
or starved and turned from their original instincts by cruel superstitions or
customs? God created man pure: the Evil One faces the image. " The regard for
this verse among Islamic scholars and physicians and health practitioners also
affects their decisions on such issues as plastic surgery, gender transformation
(sexual conversion) operations. Fortunately, however, the consensus is that this
Quranic verse cannot be invoked as a total and radical ban on genetic
engineering. If carried too far it would conflict with many forms of curative
surgery that also entails some change in God's creation.
previous technologies have proved to have adverse effects unexpected by their
developers. DDT, for example, turned out to accumulate in fish and thin the
shells of fish-eating birds like eagles and ospreys. And chlorofluorocarbons
turned out to float into the upper atmosphere and destroy ozone, a chemical that
shields the earth from dangerous radiation. What harmful effects might turn out
to be associated with the use or release of genetically engineered organisms?
answer depends on understanding complex biological and ecological systems. So
far, scientists know of no generic harms associated with genetically engineered
organisms. For example, it is not true that all genetically
engineered foods are toxic or that all released-engineered organisms are
likely to proliferate in the environment. But specific engineered organisms may
be harmful by virtue of the novel gene combinations they possess. This means
that the risks of genetically engineered organisms must be assessed case by case
and that these risks can differ greatly from one gene-organism combination to
ethical issues are raised by scientific development of genetic engineering.
creation of new virulent bacteria for use in biological warfare was a serious
concern of the early seventies when the technology of recombinant DNA was first
described. This type of destructive application is clearly wrong and
unacceptable from the Islamic perspective. On the other hand applications such
as the diagnosis, correction, cure or prevention of genetic disease are
acceptable and even commendable.
Harms to Health
Here are
the some examples of the potential adverse effects of genetically engineered
organisms may have on human health. Most of these examples are associated with
the growth and consumption of genetically engineered crops. Different risks
would be associated with genetically engineered animals and, like the risks
associated with plants, would depend largely on the new traits introduced into
the organism.
New Allergens in the Food Supply
Transgenic crops could bring new allergens into foods that sensitive individuals
would not know to avoid. An example is transferring the gene for one of the many
allergenic proteins found in milk into vegetables like carrots. Mothers who know
to avoid giving their sensitive children milk would not know to avoid giving
them transgenic carrots containing milk proteins. The problem is unique to
genetic engineering because it alone can transfer proteins across species
boundaries into completely unrelated organisms.
Genetic engineering routinely moves proteins into the food supply from organisms
that have never been consumed as foods. Some of those proteins could be food
allergens, since virtually all known food allergens are proteins. Recent
research substantiates concerns about genetic engineering rendering previously
safe foods allergenic. A study by scientists at the University of Nebraska shows
that soybeans genetically engineered to contain Brazil-nut proteins cause
reactions in individuals allergic to Brazil nuts.
Scientists have limited ability to predict whether a particular protein will be
a food allergen, if consumed by humans. The only sure way to determine whether
protein will be an allergen is through experience. Thus importing proteins,
particularly from nonfood sources, is a gamble with respect to their
Resistance to Antibiotic
genetically engineered plant foods carry fully functioning antibiotic-resistance
presence of antibiotic-resistance genes in foods could have two harmful effects.
First, eating these foods could reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics to fight
disease when these antibiotics are taken with meals. Secondly, the resistance
genes could be transferred to human or animal pathogens, making them impervious
to antibiotics. If transfer were to occur, it could aggravate the already
serious health problem of antibiotic-resistant disease organisms. Although
unmediated transfers of genetic material from plants to bacteria are highly
unlikely, any possibility that they may occur requires careful scrutiny in light
of the seriousness of antibiotic resistance.
New Toxins Produced by Plants
organisms have the ability to produce toxic substances. For plants, such
substances help to defend stationary organisms from the many predators in their
environment. In some cases, plants contain inactive pathways leading to toxic
substances. Addition of new genetic material through genetic engineering could
reactivate these inactive pathways or otherwise increase the levels of toxic
substances within the plants. This could happen, for example, if the on/off
signals associated with the introduced gene were located on the genome in places
where they could turn on the previously inactive genes.
Fungal Toxins
Although for the most part health risks are the result of the genetic material
newly added to organisms, it is also possible for the removal of genes and gene
products to cause problems. For example, genetic engineering might be used to
produce decaffeinated coffee beans by deleting or turning off genes associated
with caffeine production. But caffeine helps protect coffee beans against fungi.
Beans that are unable to produce caffeine might be coated with fungi, which can
produce toxins. Fungal toxins, such as aflatoxin (a fungal toxin usually found
in peanuts), are potent human toxins that can remain active through processes of
food preparation.
Environmental Harms
Monarch butterfly mortality
variety of genetically engineered Corn produced pollen that was toxic to
monarch butterflies.. Recent studies reported in Science and
Oecologia journals suggested that pollen from the transgenic Bt com may be
fatal to monarch butterflies, which feed on milkweed coated with Bt com pollen.
Scientists have confirmed the mortality of monarch butterflies exposed to Bt com
pollen under both laboratory and field conditions. Proponents of the technology
claim that under field conditions the concentration of pollen on milkweed may
not reach levels that cause lethal effects. Scientists from Iowa State
University are examining this more closely, and their findings should be
published soon. A study published in Nature (1999) indicated that
secretions from remains of Bt com adversely affected certain other soil borne
nontarget insect species.
Unnecessary Weeds
way of thinking generally about the environmental harm that genetically
engineered plants might do is to consider that they might become weeds. Here,
weeds means all plants in places where humans do not want them. In agriculture,
weeds can severely inhibit crop yield. In unmanaged environments, like the
Everglades, invading trees can displace natural flora and upset whole
ecosystems. Some weeds result from the accidental introduction of alien plants,
but many were the result of purposeful introductions for agricultural and
horticultural purposes. Some of the plants intentionally introduced into the
United States that have become serious weeds are Johnson grass, multiflora rose,
and kudzu.. Another example would be a rice plant engineered to be salt-tolerant
that escaped cultivation and invaded nearby marine estuaries.
Genes Susceptible to Pesticides
Genes Susceptible to Pesticides
insects contain genes that render them susceptible to pesticides. Often these
susceptibility genes predominate in natural populations of insects. These genes
are a valuable natural resource because they allow pesticides to remain as
effective pest-control tools. The more benign the pesticide, the more valuable
the genes that make pests susceptible to it.
Wildlife Poisoning
Engineering crop plants, such as tobacco or rice, to produce plastics or
pharmaceuticals could endanger mice or deer who consume crop debris left in the
fields after harvesting. Fish that have been engineered to contain
metal-sequestering proteins (such fish have been suggested as living pollution
clean-up devices) could be harmful if consumed by other fish or raccoons.
Unknown Harms
with human health risks, it is unlikely that all potential harms to the
environment have been identified. Each of the potential harms above is an answer
to the question, "Well, what might go wrong?" The answer to that question
depends on how well scientists understand the organism and the environment into
which it is released. At this point, biology and ecology are too poorly
understood to be certain that question has been answered comprehensively.
main concerns about genetic engineering lie in the area of the unknown and
unsuspected future. The possibility of grafting new genes not only in somatic
cells but also into germ cells thus affecting coming generations, could later be
associated with tragic self perpetuating mutations
with any new technology, the full set of risks associated with genetic
engineering have almost certainly not been identified. The ability to imagine
what might go wrong with a technology is limited by the currently incomplete
understanding of physiology, genetics, and nutrition If pursued with man's
inclination for seeking the unknown until it is known and the unachievable until
it becomes achievable then mankind may be confronted by patterns of life yet to
appear on the biological stage. Science might think that everything is under
control while the case is not really so. Moral concerns have been voiced that
bear on equity, justice and the common good. Perhaps it is time for a
comprehensive public debate and the prospective formulation of an ethical code
for genetic engineering. A long story is in the waiting, and it is just
beginning to unfold!
hazards of nuclear radiation were not apparent for some time, nor could the
damage be repaired, and the winnings with genetic engineering are far more
serious. The introduction of genetic material from one species into another, in
practicality means the creation of a new species with mixed features.
Adolf Hitler those who support Eugenics (ancestry through inherited
characteristics) and elitism could result in discrimination against normal
individuals. Thus, manipulating the human progeny might be extended beyond
combating disease to the cultivation of certain physical characteristics
considered desirable leading to elitism and discrimination against (normal)
individuals who lack those characteristics
People will be inclined to the abortion of defective fetuses (cystic
fibrosis). Tampering with human personality and the manipulation of behavior
is possible if genes determining behavior are isolated . . Islam would certainly
condemn the principle of tampering with the human personality and its capacity
for individual responsibility and accountability. One need to look into sin and
abuse of our bodies. The health costs are staggering from alcohol abuse,
illegal-drug use, smoking, sexually transmitted diseases and improper diet, not
to mention crime and violence as a means to solving problems,
"The severing of procreation from sex, love And
intimacy is inherently dehumanizing, No matter how good the product" (Ethics of
Cloning Humans, Gregory E. Pence, Editor, 1998, p.26). Manufacturing children by
cloning could prove to be another step in the further disintegration of the
family. In the wrong hands, biotechnology can be a grave danger. At one time
nuclear-power plants seemed Like a brilliant idea, but a string of
Nuclear-power-plant disasters has dimmed their luster.
Worse still is US experiment in which pigs were given human Growth-hormone
gene so that the pigs can put on weight faster. They put on weight, but were
also partially blind and arthritic and developed Ulcers.
Animals have been bred to be stronger, more
hardy, to produce more wool, milk or meat. On the livestock side, a drug has
been produced for dairy cows -- Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH) or Bovine
Somatotropin (BST) -- by engineering a bacterium to contain the gene for the
hormone. The drug is administered to cows to increase milk production, despite
the chronic oversupply of milk in the United States. A highly controversial
product when it was first introduced, BGH is currently used on about 10 percent
of the US dairy herd.
Animals Engineered for Leaner Meat. Animals
Engineered as Drug-Production Facilities
Goats and sheep have been engineered to
secrete bioactive molecules into their blood, urine, or milk. Companies are in
the process developing commercial enterprises based on these animals. So far,
none of the drugs is on the market. It is likely that producers will want to
slaughter the animals for food after they are no longer useful for drug
The possibility exists of using animals
Engineered as Sources of Transplant Organs
Animals Engineered for Disease Resistance. Chickens
and turkeys have been engineered to resist avian diseases. None have been
Genetically Engineered Fish and Shellfish
: Fish and shellfish have been engineered to cause changes in hormones that
accelerate growth in several laboratories. So far, none have been commercialized
in the United States.
An engineered predatory mite has been field tested
in Florida. Researchers have produced honeybees and other beneficial insects
engineered to tolerate pesticides.
Bacteria have been genetically engineered to
produce rennet, an enzyme important in making cheese. Genetically engineered
rennet (chymosin) is approved for commercial use and widely used by US cheese
Strains of wheat, corn and rice have been
created that produce more food while needing less fertilizer and water.
Genetically engineered crops that were aimed at feeding the hungry, would be
developing seeds with certain predictable characteristics:
(a) ability to grow on substandard or
marginal soils;
(b) plants able to produce more high-quality
protein, with increased per-acre yield, without increasing the need for
expensive machinery, chemicals, fertilizers, or water;
(c) they would aim to favour small farms
over larger farms;
(d)the seeds would be cheap and freely
available without restrictive licensing; and
(e) they would be for crops that feed
people, not meat animals.
Fast-growing trees provide more lumber,
Pulp, fuel and shade. Genetically engineered cotton has been approved for
commercial use.
Flowers are bigger, more colorful, more
beautiful than they would be otherwise.
Several tomatoes engineered to delay
ripening have been approved for commercial use. In some cases, delayed ripening
just prolongs shelf life that is tomatoes have a longer shelf life.
Rice strains are disease-resistant.
Many plants have been commercialized, including tomatoes and squash and
commodity crops like corn and soybeans. Most have been engineered for one of
three traits: herbicide tolerance, insect resistance, or virus tolerance.
Genes of fish have been placed into potatoes
and strawberries to make these plants more resistant to cold weather.
Sheep with skin that will provide immunity
to insect parasites.
Plants that produce toxic chemicals that ward off
their natural pests. Engineered Microorganisms Used as Pesticides.
Several bacteria engineered to enhance their ability to kill or repel pests have
been approved for commercial use. These products are used as pesticides in
agricultural fields and gardens.
Heal diseases(cancers, diabetes, and
Fashion "designer children" and reverse
the aging process. Design a customized child who is Genetically disposed to be
physically attractive, of superior intelligence or athletically talented.
Eliminating genetic diseases. For example,
geneticists think it may be possible to eliminate genetic diseases such as Tay-Sachs
through careful and methodical screening programs.
Screening unborn babies. This refers to
screening for genetic disorders either before a pregnancy takes place or in the
early months of a pregnancy. More information would give prospective parents
more options in dealing with their infants’ problems.
Treating diseases. For example, scientists
are working on ways to insert cells from embryos into cancerous cells as a way
to stop the growth of cancer.
The ultimate beneficiaries of technological
innovation have always been consumers, both in the United States and abroad. In
developing countries, biotechnological advances will provide means to overcome
vitamin deficiencies, to supply vaccines for killer diseases like cholera and
malaria, to increase production and protect fragile natural resources, and to
grow crops under normally unfavorable conditions.
The pharmaceutical possibilities of genetic
engineering will open tremendous vistas in treatment of many illnesses and the
possibilities in agriculture and animal husbandry might be the clue to solving
the problem of famine the world over.
Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States wrote an OP-ED in New
York Times of August 26, 1998 titled "Who's Afraid of Genetic Engineering?
"….Anti-biotechnology activists argue that genetic engineering is so new that
its effects on the environment can't be predicted. This is misleading. In fact,
for hundreds of years virtually all food has been improved genetically by plant
breeders. Genetically altered antibiotics, vaccines and vitamins have improved
our health, while enzyme-containing detergents and oil-eating bacteria have
helped to protect the environment. In the past 40 years, farmers worldwide have
genetically modified crops to be more nutritious as well as resistant to
insects, diseases and herbicides. Scientific techniques developed in the 1980's
and commonly referred to as genetic engineering allow us to give plants
additional useful genes. Genetically engineered cotton, corn and soybean seeds
became available in the United States in 1996, including those planted on my
family farm. This growing season, more than one-third of American soybeans and
one-fourth of our corn will be genetically modified. The number of acres devoted
to genetically engineered crops in Argentina, Canada, Mexico and Australia
increased tenfold from 1996 to 1997.
risks of modern genetic engineering have been studied by technical experts at
the National Academy of Sciences and World Bank. They concluded that we can
predict the environmental effects by reviewing past experiences with those
plants and animals produced through selective breeding. None of these products
of selective breeding have harmed either the environment or biodiversity.
Carter says that by increasing crop yields, genetically modified organisms
reduce the constant need to clear more land for growing food. Seeds designed to
resist drought and pests are especially useful in tropical countries, where crop
losses are often severe. Already, scientists in industrialized nations are
working with individuals in developing countries to increase yields of staple
crops, to improve the quality of current exports and to diversify economies by
creating exports like genetically improved palm oil, which may someday replace
gasoline. Other genetically modified organisms covered by the proposed
regulations are essential research tools in medical, agricultural and
environmental science.
imports like these are regulated unnecessarily, the real losers will be the
developing nations. Instead of reaping the benefits of decades of discovery and
research, people from Africa and Southeast Asia will remain prisoners of
outdated technology. Their countries could suffer greatly for years to come. It
is crucial that they reject the propaganda of extremist groups before it is too
late. "
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